Die nuwe jaar is reeds in volle swang en dit is ‘n goeie idee om as deel van jou om-te-doen lysie, jou persoonlike sake in orde te kry. Nie net vir gerieflikheidshalwe en gemoedsrus vir jouself nie, maar ook ter wille van jou familie.
Vra jouself die vraag af, “indien ek binne die volgende week sou sterf, sal my familie in staat wees, met die inligting tans tot hul beskikking, om verslag te lewer aan my boedel se eksekuteur ten opsigte van my bates en laste?” Of sal hulle doelloos rondval om te probeer vasstel watter beleggings jy gehad het? Het jy ‘n lewensversekeringspolis gehad? By watter diensverskaffer was jou selfoonkontrak nou weer?
Met die bogemelde stelling stel ek nie voor dat jy jou finansiële posisie met almal in jou familie deel nie. Die oplossing vir die penarie lê in die opstel van ‘n nalatenskap-lêer. Hierdie lêer sal al jou belangrikste dokumente (of afskrifte daarvan) bevat, van jou testament tot by jou selfoonkontrak.
Dit klink natuurlik na ‘n reusagtige taak om mee te begin, maar wees verseker, indien die grondslag eers gelê is, sal jy dit maklik op datum kan hou.
Jy kan ‘n ringlêer met sakkies, of flipfile aanskaf vir die doel. Die lêer moet op ‘n veilige plek bewaar word en onder andere die volgende inligting bevat:
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1. | Inligtingsblad met die kontakbesonderhede van jou Prokureur, Makelaar, Bankier, Dokter ens. | |
2. | ‘n Afskrif van jou Identiteitsdokument | |
3. | ‘n Afskrif van jou nuutste Testament – Die oorspronklike testament sal in veilige bewaring in jou Prokureur se kantore gehou word | |
4. | Jou oorspronklike Huweliksertifikaat, Huweliksvoorwaardekontrak, egskeidingsbevel en skikkingsakte (indien van toepassing) | |
5. | Die nuutste weergawe van alle Langtermynversekeringspolisse – bv. Lewensversekering, ongeskiktheidsdekking en verbandbeskermingsdekking | |
6. | Die nuutste weergawe van alle Korttermynversekeringspolisse – bv. Versekering op jou huis, huisinhoud en motorvoertuig | |
7. | Besonderhede van jou begrafnispolis en byvoordele, asook ‘n lys van rekeninge waarop jy dekking het ingeval van sterfte | |
8. | Bewys van jou Aandeleportefeulje | |
9. | Besonderhede van jou bankrekeninge – bv. Jou tjekrekening, kredietkaartrekening en spaarrekening. | |
10. | Besonderhede van jou beleggings – bv. Beleggingsrekening by ‘n bank en uitkeerpolis | |
11. | Bewys van enige bates met waarde bv. ‘n muntversameling of juweliersware | |
12. | Motorvoertuigregistrasie dokumente | |
13. | Jou geldige Televisielisensie | |
14. | Jou selfoonkontrak; landlynkontrak en internetdiensverskaffer kontrak | |
15. | Besonderhede van alle winkelrekeninge bv Edgars of House and Home | |
16. | Nuutste korrespondensie vanaf die Ontvanger van Inkomste | |
17. | Besonderhede van jou Pensioenfonds en -voordele | |
18. | Trustakte en Magtigingsbrief van enige Trust waarby jy ‘n belang het | |
19. | Afskrif / Oorspronklike Titelakte van jou eiendom(me) | |
20. | Besonderhede van jou Verbandrekening(e) oor jou eiendom(me) | |
21. | Nuutste Huurkontrakte – waarby jy die huurder of verhuurder is | |
22. | Rehabilitasiebevel | |
23. | Enige skuldooreenkoms waar jy vir iemand anders geld skuld of hulle vir jou | |
24. | Besonderhede van jou Mediesefonds en Mediese GAP Dekking |
Die bostaande lys is ‘n riglyn en nie noodwendig volledig nie. Dit moet aangepas word om by jou unieke omstandighede te pas.
Die lêer kan maklik op datum gehou word deur die veranderlike inligting op te dateer soos die relevante dokumente (bv. ‘n versekeringspolis) hernu word.
Nou is al jou belangrikste inligting bymekaar, nie net vir doeleindes van jou afsterwe nie, maar ook indien jy dit nodig kry vir ‘n transaksie waar jy bv. FICA dokumente benodig of indien jy vinnig wil vasstel of jou versekering ‘n gebarste warmwatersilinder dek.
Sommige van die bogemelde dokumente kan ook in elektroniese formaat gestoor word. Jy kan dus jou lêer aanpas om uit beide harde kopieë (van die oorspronklike dokumente in jou besit bv. jou Huweliksertifikaat) en elektroniese kopieë (van die dokumente wat aan jou per e-pos gestuur word bv. versekeringspolisse en bankstate) te bestaan. Onthou om gereeld rugsteun kopieë van die elektroniese lêer te maak en by die harde kopieë te stoor.
Terselfdertyd kan jy seker maak dat al jou dokumente op datum is en vroegtydig ‘n afspraak met jou prokureur maak vir die opstel of opdatering van jou testament.
Hierdie om-te-doen lysie item is beslis ‘n geskenk aan jouself wat sal aanhou gee deur die jare.
Opgestel deur Riëtte Smuts
Hierdie is ‘n algemene inligtingstuk en moet gevolglik nie as regs- of ander professionele advies benut word nie. Geen aanspreeklikheid kan aanvaar word vir enige foute of weglatings of enige skade of verlies wat volg uit die gebruik van enige inligting hierin vervat nie. Kontak altyd u regsadviseur vir spesifieke en toegepaste advies. (E&OE)
The new year is already in full swing and it is a good idea to get your personal affairs in order as part of your to-do list. Not only for convenience and peace of mind for yourself, but also for the sake of your family.
Ask yourself the question, “if I would die within the next week, will my family be able, with the information currently available to them, to report my assets and liabilities to my estate’s executor?” Or would they rush around trying to determine what investments you had? Did you have a life insurance policy? Which service provider did you use for your cellular phone contract?
With the above statement I am not suggesting that you discuss your financial position with everyone in your family. The solution to the dilemma lies in the drafting of a legacy file. This file will contain all your important documents (or copies thereof), from your Will to your cellular phone contract.
It may sound like a daunting task to begin with, but rest assured, if the foundation has been laid, you can easily keep it up to date.
You can use a ring file with plastic sleeves or a flip file for this purpose. The file must be kept in a safe place and amongst others, contain the following information:
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1. | Information sheet with the contact details of your Attorney, Broker, Banker, Doctor etc. | |
2. | A copy of your Identity Document | |
3. | A copy of your latest Will – The original will be in safekeeping at your Attorney’s Offices | |
4. | Your original Marriage Certificate, Antenuptual Contract, Divorce Order and Settlement Agreement (if applicable) | |
5. | The latest version of all your Long-term insurance policies – eg. Life insurance, disability insurance and mortgage protection cover | |
6. | The latest version of all your Short term insurance policies – eg. Insurance cover for your home, household and motor vehicle | |
7. | Details of your funeral policy and benefits, as well as a list of accounts on which you have death cover | |
8. | Proof of your Shareholding portfolio | |
9. | Details of you bank accounts – eg. Your cheque account, credit card account and savings account | |
10. | Details of your investments – eg. Investment Account at a Bank or annuity | |
11. | Proof of any assets with value – eg. Coin collection or jewellery | |
12. | Motor vehicle registration documents | |
13. | Your valid Television License | |
14. | Your cellular phone contract, land line contract and internet service provider contract | |
15. | Detail of all retail accounts eg. Edgars or House and Home | |
16. | Latest correspondence from the Receiver of Revenue | |
17. | Details of your Pension Fund and -benefits | |
18. | Trust Deed and Letters of Authority for any trust in which you have an interest | |
19. | Copy / Original Deed of Transfer of your property(s) | |
20. | Details of the Bond Account(s) over your property(s) | |
21. | Latest Lease Agreements – where you are the Lessor or Lessee | |
22. | Rehabilitation Order | |
23. | Any acknowledgement of Debt where you owe money to someone or someone owes money to you | |
24. | Details of your Medical Aid and Medical GAP Cover |
The above list is a guideline and not necessarily complete. Same should be customized to suit your unique circumstances.
The file can easily be kept up to date by replacing the variable information as the relevant documents (eg. An insurance policy) are renewed.
All your important information are now in one place, not only to assist your loved ones in the event of your death, but also to help you should you require for example your FICA documents for a transaction or if you quickly want to determine whether your insurance policy will cover a burst geyser.
Some of the above documents can also be stored in electronic format. You can customize your file to contain both hard copies (of the original documents in your possession eg. Your Marriage Certificate) and electronic copies (of the documents that are sent to you via e-mail eg Insurance policies and bank statements). Remember to make backup copies of the electronic file on a regular basis and to keep the electronic backup with the hard copies.
At the same time you can ensure that all your documents are up to date and make an appointment with your Attorney for the drafting or updating of your will.
This to-do list item is certainly a gift to yourself that will keep on giving over the years.
Compiled by Riëtte Smuts
This article is a general information sheet and should not be used or relied on as legal or other professional advice. No liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions nor for any loss or damage arising from reliance upon any information herein. Always contact your legal adviser for specific and detailed advice. Errors and omissions excepted (E&OE)