Divorce can often be an extremely stressful and exasperating process, and even more so when one spouse enjoys complete financial stability and the other has to endure a dire financial position. Such cases clearly create a huge imbalance amongst parties […]
Section 9HB of the Income Tax Act provides for a roll-over of a capital gain or loss when an asset is transferred between spouses during their lifetimes. […]
Divorce and the resulting challenges regarding child custody and the responsibilities of parents can be an ugly and difficult process. This is especially true of the […]
The Family Advocate has many duties but in the context of Divorce Law, they are mostly consulted for making sure that all Parenting Plans and divorce […]
Divorces can be heartbreaking, painful, costly and time consuming when parties cannot reach a settlement between themselves. However, all hope is not lost. Many young couples […]
Divorce proceedings can take years to come to conclusion and this leaves certain issues unresolved until such a time. A Rule 43 Application can be used […]