Slaughtering for the purpose of showing gratitude, asking for protection or asking for healing from ancestors has been an African cultural tradition dating back hundreds of […]
You need to send a South African document overseas for business purposes or you are selling your South African property while you are working and residing […]
The municipality authorises the development of a nightclub in your neighbourhood. You and your neighbours are concerned about this and want to challenge the municipality’s decision. […]
Persone wat ontwrigtende dade van onaanvaarbare gedrag in openbare plekke pleeg, mag gewaarsku en daarna deur die owerhede in hegtenis geneem word. Die oortreder sal aanspreeklik […]
Persons who commit disruptive acts of unacceptable behaviour in public places may be warned, arrested and subsequently prosecuted by the authorities. The offender shall be liable […]
Stel jouself voor, die onaangename verrassing as jy onverwags ʼn vonnis by verstek ontvang, as gevolg van ʼn dagvaardiging wat jy nooit ontvang het nie. Dit […]
Imagine receiving the nasty surprise that default judgement has been entered against your name because of a summons that you have never even received. It is […]