During a person’s lifetime s/he will gather assets, in other words, belongings such as a house or a motor vehicle. These assets and liabilities will form […]
The administration of deceased estates is largely governed by the Administration of Estates Act 66 of 1965. Other acts that may also find application in this […]
Die bereddering van bestorwe boedels word grootliks beheer deur die Boedelwet 66 van 1965. Ander wetgewing wat ook van toepassing kan wees in hierdie proses is: […]
Owning a business requires careful succession planning and is part of your estate planning as you have to determine who will succeed you, or who will […]
Die besit van ‘n besigheid vereis noukeurige opvolgbeplanning en is deel van jou boedelbeplanning, omdat jy moet bepaal wie jou gaan opvolg, of wie jou aandele […]
In terme van die bepalings van Artikel 4 van die Boedelbelastingwet Nr 45 van 1955 word sekere aftrekkings (bekend as kortings) van die netto waarde van […]