The main purpose for the enactment of FICA and FICAA is to identity any proceeds that originates from crime and other illegal activities, as well as […]
In situations where a wrongdoer causes some form of damage to a victim, the victim might suffer more damage than one might usually expect. This might […]
Die kostes verbonde aan die aankoop van ‘n nuwe eiendom behels meer as bloot die voorgeskrewe prokureurskoste vir die registrasie van die transport. Voornemende Kopers moet […]
The costs associated with the purchase of a new property are more than just the prescribed conveyancing fees for the registration of the transfer. Prospective buyers […]
Mnr Swart koop ‘n BMW-motor in terme van ‘n huurkoop ooreenkoms en sy finansiering word deur BMW-finansiering gedoen. Na ‘n paar maande erf mnr Swart ‘n […]