With the festive holidays fast approaching, it’s necessary to address the consequences of drinking and driving. Unfortunately, the holidays bring devastating road accidents, with families being […]
The popularity of road cycling as a competitive sport and a form of transportation is on the rise. This naturally leads to major safety concerns and […]
Die gewildheid van padfietsry as ‘n mededingende sport en ‘n vorm van vervoer is aan die toeneem. Dit lei natuurlik tot groot kommer oor veiligheid en […]
Angela, ‘n gewone middeljarige vrou met ‘n basiese salaris, bevind haar in ‘n moeilike situasie wat dalk kan veroorsaak dat sy nie in Desember saam met […]
Sedert 2011 het die Stad van Kaapstad: Verkeers Ordonnansie, 2011 dit moontlik gemaak vir ‘n gemagtigde beampte om jou sellulêre toestel te konfiskeer indien jy betrap […]
Since 2011 the City of Cape Town: Traffic By-Law, 2011 has made it possible for an authorised officer to confiscate your cellular device if you are […]